1099 out now!

A quick word to let you know that our new album is now available for download over at our bandcampsite. It should also start showing up at a range of digital music stores and streaming services during the next 24 hours.

Update: The album is now available in iTunes, Spotify, Wimp +++.

Release concert

We will be celebrating the release of the album on the 8th of March by playing a concert. It will happen at Blęst in Trondheim and we will be joined by Sun In Sound and Storstas. For more details go to the facebookevent or straight to blęsts website.

Digital release

Hi everyone,

Good news, we now have a release date for our upcoming album and it is very soon!

On friday the 22. of february “1099″ will be available for download at www.1099.bandcamp.com. It should also be available on Spotify, Wimp, iTunes and other digital streaming and digital music stores from the same date, though there might be some delay.

To download the full album from Bandcamp we have a simple “pay what you like” model. We think this is a good solution for digital music. Our two other releases also has a “pay what you like” option now.

When mentioning our two EP’s we have some other good news as well. They are now available on Wimp, Spotify and iTunes for streaming and purchasing.

Stay tuned for some news about our release concert and an official releasedate for the double vinyl. It is available for pre-order at www.doognad.com.

Thanks for listening.